AUTHOR – K.R. Thompson
GENRE – Fantasy/Fairy Tale/Adventure
PUBLICATION DATE – January 1, 2015
LENGTH (Pages/# Words) - 300 Pages/78,000 words
Archie Jameson dreamed of adventure.
Today, it found him.
Caught in a chilly October storm, he ducked into a tavern, hoping to escape the rain. What he found, was a room teeming with pirates. Shanghaied by the most elderly of the lot, Archie awakens to discover that he is serving on a ship captained by the fiercest pirate ever to sail the seven seas--the man known as Blackbeard.
Through a series of thrilling twists, Archie finds himself captain of another of Blackbeard's ships, the Jolig Roger. In an attempt to flee danger, his ship becomes lost beneath uncharted stars and arrives at a mysterious island.
Determined to save both his crew and the woman he loves, Archie will make decisions that will forever seal his fate.
For in Neverland, not all is as it seems.
At first I wasn’t sure that this was the kind of story I
thought it was, that maybe I had overthought the blurb. It seemed to drag a bit
and wasn’t anything I expected. Once I got over myself I realized that this
story was indeed what I had pictured, and that I was being a bit slow. This is
indeed a grownup version of the Peter Pan story, just focusing on the Captain
Hook side so we can see some of what drives Captain Hook, where he came from
and what makes him tick so to speak. It pushes the limits of what you thought
about Peter Pan and makes you see a different side of everything. I just kind
of clicked into the story, began to see the journey which the book takes us on.
I recommend this cautiously, there are those that cannot go outside the stories
as they are told. I say those who want to imagine more, may just fall into this
book. I indeed enjoyed it, I actually went and bought it, I was impressed by
the way K.R. Thompson painted a whole new world for me to imagine with the
tones of that which I already had in my head. I find her to be very good with
words and I will watch for the next book with avid interest. Many thanks to
K.R. Thompson and My Family’s Heart for making this book available to me to
read and review, it was a pleasure. I rate this book 4 stars, will reread it

K.R. Thompson lives in southwest Virginia with her husband, son, three cats, and an undeterminable amount of chickens.
An avid reader and firm believer in magic, she spends her nights either reading an adventure or writing one.
She still watches for evidence of Bigfoot in the mud of Wolf Creek.
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